Ross Linnett Quotes

Ross Linnett, Founder & CEO of Recite Me 

Recite Me believes in accessibility for all, allowing everyone the opportunity to use the internet in the way that it is intended. 

This dream started in the late 90’s when Recite Me CEO, Ross Linnett was diagnosed with dyslexia at university. Ross was provided with personal assistive technology, but this was limiting as it was based on just one computer. Hence the idea was born for Recite Me. 

Use the quotes below to add commentary to blogs, emails, social posts, and other communications.


“It is important to provide an inclusive online experience, where everyone can use our digital world in a way that best suits their needs. As more organizations provide accessibility tools online, those who face online barriers can access information and services hassle-free. The digital world must be accessible for all.” 

“The technology of consumer engagement is changing and moving online more and more. As a result, vulnerable customers need to be supported. Recite Me is calling on all businesses to ensure their websites are accessible. We look forward to seeing more companies using web accessibility software like Recite Me to safeguard and support customers in vulnerable circumstances.”

“Diversity and Inclusion strategies should be a priority for many organizations in 2022. This ensures equal opportunities for information and services and enables vulnerable customers to take an active part in our digital world.” 

“When I was diagnosed with dyslexia in university, I found it extremely challenging to read and understand online information. When the idea for Recite Me was born I felt empowered, like I had opened the door to a whole world of information, services, and experiences.” 

“Recite Me’s inclusive software provides everyone with the option to customize their online experience to suit their individual needs. Our easy-to-use toolbar has a range of features to support vulnerable individuals and encourage active involvement in the digital world.”