The following guide will support you with installing the Recite Me toolbar onto your Drupal website version 10.4 and below, via a dedicated plugin.
1. Lets Get Started.
a) Within your Drupal Manager, please select Manage across the top menu and then select Extend from the menu below.
b) Here, you need to select or attach the Recite Me Drupal Plug
in file within the Upload a module or theme archive file selector.
c) Please download the Drupal Plugin file below and attached the file:
d) Once attached, please select Continue.
If you see the below page, Site Install, Update Manager, please select 'Install newly added modules'.
e) Next, please visit the section under the menu header Extend and find the Recite Me Accessibility plugin, you can find this under the Accessibility section. Once found, please select the box on the left hand side.
f) Once selected, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Install.
This should show a status message of Module Recite Me Accessibility has been enabled.
2. Configuring the Recite Me Plug In.
a) Please visit the Configuration menu section. Here you will see, under the User Interface section, Recite Me Settings which you need to select.
b) Recite Me Client key: You will then need to add your unique key, and you can also select your launching choices from this menu.
Your Key will be provided by the Onboarding Team. Please add it to the box labelled Recite Client Key, be careful that you don’t add any spaces at the start or the end of the key.
c) Enable Floating Button: Please select Yes and select 'Save Configuration'
This should show a status message of The configuration options have been saved once complete.
3. Structure
a) Across the top menu, please head to Manage, then Structure. Here you need to select Block Layout.
b) Here you need to scroll to the Footer Bottom and select Place Block
c) Next, please select Place Block, then you should get a Configure Block pop up, where the title states ReciteMe Accessibility Tool. Please select Save Block.
d) You should now be back within the Structure section. Please scroll down to the bottom where your Footer Bottom list is. Here you should see ReciteMe Accessibility Tool, ready to be saved. Please select Save Block.
e) Finally, please visit your site and make you should have a floating button on the bottom right hand side of your screen which when selected, activates your ReciteMe Accessibility toolbar. Thanks!